Top Ten Tuesday: (Five) Fictional Boarding Schools I’d Love to Have Attended

Created by and with thanks to That Artsy Reader! This week’s theme is a school freebie; and when I started thinking about schools from books, it made me realise how prominent boarding schools are. I would never have voluntarily gone to a normal boarding school, but I might have made an exception for these fictional ones…


1.  St. Vladimir’s Academy from Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
It’s a school for vampires. Teenage me would’ve signed up on the spot.

2. The Little Palace from the Grishaverse books by Leigh Bardugo
It’s where they train Grisha–and how can you read any of the Grisha books without obsessing over which Grisha Order you’d belong to? (Corporalki Healer at your service.)

3. Shadowhunter Academy from Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare (et al)
I mean, the school itself would be hideous, but how can you not want to be trained as a Shadowhunter?!

4. The Gallagher Academy from the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter
Say it with me: all girls’ school for spies. (Also, you might stand more of a chance of surviving this one than the others, for what that’s worth.)

5. Hogwarts from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
It’s not got the best survival rate, nor the highest safety rate, but Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.


Would you have attended a boarding school–fictional or otherwise?

31 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: (Five) Fictional Boarding Schools I’d Love to Have Attended

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    1. Yes! I don’t think I ever would have wanted to attend one (I’ve always been too much of a home bird) but it’s interesting to wonder how real and fictional would compare!


      1. I don’t know that I was sheltered as such, but I definitely had an overprotective (to the point of paranoid!) parent who would absolutely not have allowed me to be in the circumstances I’d have needed to be in get away with *anything* the YA boarding school kids do, haha!


    1. Hahaha there is that! Maybe just safer by the time the war’s over and McGonagall is at the helm–she certainly seemed the most competent teacher!
      I mean, Genya did start training Grisha to do it later on, so… There’s hope for you yet! 😉


      1. I had to look up what Peacock even is, so the odds of my remembering to check it out are slim to none! Here’s hoping there’s better marketing closer to its release, and not a long wait before it’s out on DVD!

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  1. So much yes to this whole list! 😀 I’d love to go to Hogwarts or Ilvermorny or the Shadowhunter Academy. Now I want to reread Harry Potter and Clare’s books. LOL. Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

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  2. I totally would have gone to any of these! Maybe that means I have a death wish, but especially when there’s magic involved, I would be willing to risk it all 🤣 Honestly, a tiny, tiny part of me believed that just MAYBE, I would get my Hogwarts letter the year I turned eleven, and when I didn’t (and also not the year after, when I turned twelve – being a December kid, I could have been one of the older students, okay? 🤣), I was crushed!!

    Oh, and I also always wanted to go to Bloor’s Academy from the Charlie Bone books. Don’t know if you’ve read them, but basically, there’s this artsy and magical Welsh boarding school in a castle whose horrifically evil leadership I would have been more than willing to put up with for a chance to go there 😁 Yeah, I did not have the smartest instincts as a kid… 🤣

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    1. 🤣🤣 this is my point–risky, yes, but some things are worth the risk, and magic is definitely up there at the top of that list! I know I waited for my Hogwarts letter, too 🤣 I did an entrance exam for a grammar school, and I very clearly remember wanting my Hogwarts letter far more than the grammar school one 🤣🤣 so you’re not alone!

      Oh my god, I’ve never even heard of them, but you’ve sold me instantly for being Welsh alone! I’m going to look them up immediately. (And no judgement on your childhood instincts. I would 100% have sought out vampirism as old as my early 20s if I’d had the slightest inclination it was real. Right there with you 🤣🤣)

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      1. Oh, don’t worry, I feel like you definitely had your priorities straight when preferring the Hogwarts letter over the grammar school one! 🤣🤣

        Charlie Bone was such a big childhood staple of mine, though – you really missed out! 🤩 However, even though it’s a middle-grade series, I’d argue you’re never really to old to read them… Although I might be blinded by nostalgia just a little 😁


      2. 🤣🤣 I wasn’t realistic, but I definitely had my priorities in order!

        I’d never heard of them at all, but the Wales element sold me! And even if you’re nostalgia blind, it’s still lovely to have that feeling around a book you loved!

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