Top Ten Tuesday:  The First 5 Books I Randomly Grabbed from My TBR

Created by and with thanks to That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s theme is supposed to be dedicated to our favourite audiobook narrators, but I’m just not that into audiobooks. I think I’ve listened to a grand total of three of them in my whole life–to be quite honest, I just haven’t got the patience to listen to anyone talk for that long. 🙃 And if I’m continuing to be honest, I know I won’t be posting next week, and next week’s theme really interested me. So here’s to skipping ahead, just like I want to do with audiobooks: here are the first five books I grabbed off my TBR (read: pulled up on Goodreads, thanks to a random number generator)!


1. The Stolen Heir by Holly Black
Starting with the one I’ll probably read next! This won the Fantasy round of my 2023 March Madness bracket, so I have you guys to thank for the near-future reading of this 🥰

2. The Kiss Curse by Erin Sterling
Not pictured, because I don’t own it yet–but I’ll be re-reading The Ex Hex, the first in the series, before I read The Kiss Curse, anyway!

3. Graveminder by Melissa Marr
Every Halloween I plan to read this one, and every Halloween so far I’ve failed. I was planning a Season of the Witchy Romcom this year (see: above), but you never know…

4. Anna K. by Jenny Lee
I don’t even know how I haven’t read this yet.

5. Wild and Wicked Things by Francesca May
Another perfect Halloween read! Why are there never enough days in the month, or hours in the day?


What audiobooks made your list this week? (Asking for a me, who will probably never listen to it.)

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